Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Dear Santa!
It's Dolores here, this will be my first holidays. Fortunately, I will spend them wrapped in a soft blanket. From my "previous" life, I only remember a string wrapped around my neck, small worms jumping over me and a lot of screams coming from the house of my previous owners. I have to admit that I was not always polite ... Sometimes I bited the slippers and torn a few toys. Now, when the time of Christmas is approaching, I promise that I will try to be more polite. Maybe I will stop stealing the washing socks and leave the Christmas tree alone.
But could I ask you for a few things?
• Junior wet food and delicious flavors so that my tummy is never empty again,
• hygenic pads, because I arrange my needs at home,
• Vetomune resistance producs, to maintain my health,
• A jerk, I promise to play with it as if tomorrow was not to come!
Thank you that you are with us! Say hello to your dogs if you have them <3

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